Thursday, September 13, 2012

Rainy Day Blues

Ok, so I know that the first day of fall isn't technically till the 22nd, but it sure does feel like fall here in Albuquerque.  It rained all day yesterday and is supposed to rain most of the day today.  Yes, we do get rain here in New Mexico.  I'm sure a lot of you are surprised. ;)

All this rain has made perfect weather for cuddling up on the couch and watching Singing In The Rain, but with a 4 year old I can't very well do that.  So what do you do with a 4 year old when it's too wet to go outside?  In our house we build a fort!

Yes this is the same kind of forts we built as children; with bed sheets, clothes pins and kitchen chairs.  The only difference between this fort and the one I used to build with my cousin John at our grandmother's house in Oklahoma, is the chairs part.  She had a room that had two twin beds and we would use these to hold our sheets.  I must say that Harley and I can build a much better fort! 

In our fort we will do everything from watching movies, eating popcorn, to even taking a nap.  This will make Harley perfectly happy, but there are plenty of other things you can do on a rainy day.  

  • Board games
  • Coloring
  • Tea Party
  • Paper Dolls
  • Barbies
  • Making a book
What are some of your favorite things to do to beat the raining day blues?  I'd love to hear about them!

Have a great day everyone and try to stay dry!

♥ Nicole

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