Sunday, September 16, 2012

No More Soap Scum!!

Greetings!  This is the first post of The Many Adventures of a Modern Housewife, so welcome :0)

I had to tell you about this wonderful new product that I have found.  I'm not usually one to listen to the mindless ranting of solicitors, but for some reason I decided to hear the guy out. "It'll take the rust of and oil off your driveway," he said.  Guess what.... it did!  Well that's pretty cool. 

After talking to him for a while and him promising me that it will work on everything from asphalt to windows, I decided to purchase it.  

I have to tell you.... it's AMAZING!  I cleaned my countertops, stove, windows, toilet, shower, bathtub, and even the faucets that were covered in soap scum.  I don't know about where you live, but here in Albuquerque we fight with hard water every day.  Soap scum and hard water stains are always a headache and for a housewife like me, this was an answer to my prayers.

This miracle product is called
Wonder Cleaner Advanage.  What's also great about this product is that it's all natural and so it's safe to use around my family and pets. 

I don't want to sound like a spokes person for this stuff, but I can't tell you how happy I am with this stuff.  Just look at the before and after pictures that I took.

It looks like new!  I have been trying to get this thing clean for years and all it took was three capfuls mixed with 32 oz of water and viola!  like new!  

So for all of you housewives out there or even just someone who's tried EVERYTHING and are still fighting soap scum like I am, you have to try this stuff.  The website is  I got the lavender scent, but they also have citrus, green apple and even a clear that has no scent for those of you with allergies.

Come back tomorrow to find out what the new adventure might be for this modern housewife :)

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