Saturday, September 15, 2012

Making It New Again!

I've had this southwestern style lamp for years and my style is anything but southwestern, so I decided to remake it into a style that is more mine.

Here is a picture of the lamp before I remade it:

Not bad, but definitely not my style.

So i went to WalMart and got some silver metallic spray paint.  My master bedroom is grey with accents of red and silver.  So the change will fit much better.

I got everything that I needed together to make my job a lot easier once I got started. I used a spray paint that dries in 15 minuets or less that way I don't have to worry about anything falling into the drying paint.

I'm sure you are wondering what the tape (in my high heel tape dispenser of course!) and the paper towel are for, I couldn't find my painters tape so I'm going to use this to cover the socket that holds the light bulb.

I then cover the socket like I explained.  This is a perfect time to practice my wrapping skills for the upcoming holiday season (lets just hope I don't have to wrap a lamp for Christmas).

Then take your spray paint and lamp outside.  You don't want to spray this stuff inside or you will get a nasty headache. You also want to lay down some newspaper or paper to protect the ground you are spraying on.

Now is the fun part!  Time to get spraying.  Make sure you make light, even sprays.  This way the paints doesn't run.  You can always go back with more coats to make sure that every part of the lamp is covered.  

I think I applied 4-5 coats, just to make sure that every inch of the lamp is covered.  

Now let it dry in the sun.  The sun will not only help it dry, it will also dry harder (same thing works with nail polish).

It's looking beautiful!  I'm so excited to get this in the room!

Time going by..................

I did buy a new lamp shade because I hated the old one.  Here is the finished product!

As you can see by the time on the clock here and the one when I started, this product didn't take me long at all.

Here it is in the actual room:

As you can see, it fits a lot better in the room than the old white and blue lamp.  What I also love about this is that I used a perfectly good lamp that just needed a paint job.  I didn't have to go out and buy a new lamp!  These are the best projects!

Have a great day everyone!

♥ Nicole

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