Friday, September 14, 2012

Awww... it's Fall!

Now with the State Fair in full gear and with all this cold rainy weather, it has felt like fall but hasn't quite looked fallish.  Well that all changed yesterday when I came home after dropping Harley off at school and found the first fallen leaf of fall.

Time to get out all the fall decor for the house!  I absolutely love decorating the house for all the different seasons and holidays, so why not!?  Ok, so yes I maybe the only house on the block that looks like fall has thrown up all over it, but I could care less.

Here is a picture of the front of my house before the fall takeover:

And here is the after!

Gotta have all those little details!!

I even decided to break out the dog's sweaters.  They love their sweaters!

Can't wait for you all to see what I do for Halloween!!

♥ Nicole

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