Monday, December 3, 2012

Easy Language Learning for the Kiddos

Harley has been asking me to teach her a new language.  They learn a little Spanish every morning in her class and she's been really enjoying it.  Hardest part is... I haven't had a language class since I was in high school.  I'm a little rusty when it comes to it.  

I was excited when influenster was advertising a new language learning program that was designed specifically for kids.  They include cartoon characters and fun music to keep the kids attention.  They also use pictures that kids would know and that way they know exactly what word they are learning.  

I gave her the choice as to which language she wanted to watch.  The first one she picked was French.  She did have a little bit of a hard time saying the words, but I don't blame her, I took French and I still have a hard time saying it.  The next video we watched was in Spanish.  I think she liked this better because it was something she was familiar to in school and from watching Dora the Explora.  

All in all Harley thought the videos were good.  She did like the fact that they would show a picture then show and say the word. 

I thought the movies were a little cheesy and I think Harley thought so too.  The cartoon characters were what was most cheesy, but it did get her interested in the video and she was trying to say the words right along with the video.

I believe that children should learn more than one language and the time for them to do so is when they are young.  They are more like a sponge and pick up things a lot faster than we do as adults.

I would for sure be interested in watching or possibly purchasing this program for Harley for her to learn a new language.

Make sure you check out the sample video that I put above.  It's in Spanish. 

If you are interested in finding out more, please feel free to check out the Dino Lingo Website.

I would love to know what you and your children thought of the videos too!  Please let me know!!

Hope you have a great day!


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