Thursday, May 24, 2012

Summer Days

Well, school is now out and summer has officially started.  It won't be too long before moms and dads are pulling out their hair because the kids are bored.  Beat the summer time boredom and plan a fun summer.

These activities don't have to be expensive and most the time the funniest ones cost little to no money at all!  

I have compiled a list of some activities for you and your kids to do this summer.  I hope it helps with the hair pulling ;)

  1. See a movie at the Dollar Theater.  If your town is like mine, then I'm sure you have a dollar theater somewhere.  This is where movies go after they have left the big movie theater.  Usually they have already gone DVD and you can rent them, but what's the fun in that?  What's even better is that the movies are usually just that... for a dollar (plus tax) so it's easy on your pocket book too.
  2. Build a "fort" in the living room.  As a kid I remember building a fort in the living room or in my grandmother's guest room which had two twin beds in it.  My cousin and I would then hang out in the fort and read books, draw or even act like it was our hide out and we were pirate!  For my daughter, we build it in the living room and eat snacks and watch Disney movies. 
  3. Go to the Library. This is a great place for kids to use their imaginations! They can either check out books that contain even more summer projects, or get lost in a book and take adventures with Huckleberry Finn (for the older kids).  You can even go to Story Time at your local Library.  
  4. Go to the local museum. A lot of the time museums have special days for kids during the summer.  We even have a children's museum here in Albuquerque where kids can be hands-on.  This is great fun for the kids and they get to learn things too.
  5. Play in the water. This is not your ordinary running in the sprinkler kind of play, but the creative kind as well!  Fill some water guns up with colored water (a little paint mixed with water), stretch paper across a fence and let your kids have fun "painting" a picture on the paper.  I would recommend dressing the kids in either bathing suits or old clothes, because they will get paint on them (I'm sure some on purpose too).
  6. Make homemade ice cream. I remember the old crank ice cream makers, but nowadays they have electric ones.  You can also have fun buy making it in a coffee can.  First get two coffee cans (metal).  You want one to be the big one and one a small one to fit inside the big one.  Wash out them out (unless you want your ice cream to have bits of coffee in it).  Now fill up the small can with the ice cream ingredients: heavy cream, vanilla, sugar, a tiny bit of salt (brings out the flavor).  Now put the lid on the can and wrap duck tape around it so it'll seal really well and make sure there is no gaps to let water in under the lid.  Now place the small can inside the big one .  You want to now place ice all around the small can and even cover it.  You want to layer the ice with salt, so a layer of ice, a layer of salt, a layer of ice, a layer of salt, etc.  Now put a lid on the large can and seal it with duct tape as well.  Now here is the fun part!  Have a game of "kick the can".  What you want to do is have the can on it's side and rolling around for a good 20 min. or so.  The salt and ice will work together and get super cold freezing the cream and stuff inside the small can.  Once the time is up, unwrap the cans and open the small one to reveal your ice cream! (put a little coco powder in to make chocolate ice cream).
  7. Go to the beach. So we don't have many oceans around Albuquerque, but we do have a water park at the local amusement park.
  8. Go to an amusement park. I had to add it to go with #7.
  9. Go to the park. Go early enough to make sure that the play equipment isn't too hot.  You can also pack a lunch, because if your kids are like my daughter, they always get hungry when playing! 
  10. Go fishing. Always fun!
  11. Go camping. Doesn't matter if it's in your back yard or out in the woods, camping with your kids helps them appreciate nature.
  12. Blow up Diet Coke with Mentos.  Come on!  Tell me you didn't do that as a kid.  Just make sure you do it outside and away from any buildings or people.
  13. Go to a farmers market.  This will teach your kids that buying local isn't just fun, but also better for us and our community.  Have your kids pick out their favorite fruits and vegetables and serve them with dinner tonight... don't forget to let the kids help!
  14. Check out a local pizzaria. Check to see if you have a pizzaria in your town that offers tours.  We have one here called Dion's and kids always enjoy it!
  15. Play with sidewalk chalk. Park the car on the street (if you can) to allow for more creative room.  Have your kids go nuts!  You can even teach them how to play hop-scotch or 4 square.  Doesn't matter as long as the kids have fun... and the caulk washes off!
  16. Take a picnic to mom/dad/grandparents/etc. This would be a great surprise to them and a great break from work.  Just make sure it's during their lunch break :)
  17. Go hiking. Make sure you pack a lunch and plenty of water.  Also don't forget to wear sunscreen.  Have your kids look for fossils and other fun things along the way.  Maybe you'll spot animal tracks!
  18. Go to the zoo. The zoo is a great place for kids to see their favorite animals.  They usually have kid activities during the summer!
  19. Check out local VBS offerings. A lot of the time you can volunteer while your kids attend.
  20. Make a bird feeder. Use a pine cone, peanut butter and bird seed.
These are just a few of my suggestions, but I know there are tons more!  The main thing is getting our kids up and out of the house and away from video games.  It also helps with your sanity too :)

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