Thursday, May 17, 2012

The Come Back of the Sack Lunch

Do you remember the days when you could buy lunch at school for a buck fifty?  Seems like today there's not much you can get with a buck fifty.  Just like everything else, lunch has gone up in price and down in quality.  This is why I insist on making lunch for both my husband and daughter.  This way I know where their lunch is coming from, but also it just tastes better for them as well.

The hardest part about making and taking your own lunch is finding the time to pack it.  Honestly, you'll probably spend just as much time standing in line at a food place as you will making a packed lunch at home.  For me it only takes five minutes or so to pack lunches for the day.  I know, I know it's hard to get out of bed to make the sandwich in the first place.  Believe me, I know!  My husband can attest to the fact that I hate to get out of bed in the morning.  So I make their lunches the night before.

Some of you might think that sandwiches don't sound appealing to take to lunch EVERY day and I agree with you.  My husband gets bored of sandwiches after just a few days.  What you can do is mix it up a bit.  There are loads of different types of bread and meats to try.  You can also pack salads, leftovers and don't forget the extras!

What I like to call "extras" are things like a piece of fruit or a small bag of chips.  I always put in a dessert for my husband because I know he has a sweet tooth.  Another great extra to put in lunches are hard boiled eggs.  They are great because they are portable and are healthy for you too.

Hard boiled eggs are really easy to make.  Some people are intimidated by them, and you shouldn't be.  The way I make them is:

Place a dozen eggs at the bottom of a pot.  
Now fill the pot up with water.  You want the water to be an inch above the top of the eggs.
Put the pot full of eggs on top of the stove and turn it on high.
Once the water has started to rapidly boil, turn the flame off.
Place a lid tightly on top of the pot and allow to sit for 17 min. for large eggs 20 for extra large.

Normally I just place the eggs once they are done back in the crate they came in labeled with "hard boiled".  Hard boiled eggs can last up to a week in the ice box if they are still in their shell.  This also makes it handy when packing a lunch.

So don't waste your time and money buying your lunch.  A homemade, healthy lunch is just a few minuets away! 

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